It's been another good week in D___ - two new families came to church yesterday!
E___ (who only speaks French) and R___ (who we asked the U___to visit in the hospital, and he works with a member in the ward) came to the service at J___, and we met with them that night, and they were so impressed by the warm welcome from the members, and felt the Spirit in the simpleness of the service, as well as when they got our text inviting them to church - R___ said he felt that "it was time" - they still don't know a lot, but are so willing to learn and in tune with the Spirit~
J___ and J___ and their four children came to the service on post this week, as well as the chili dinner after, and got to meet a lot of members -- there were a surprising number of families there yesterday, which was quite a blessing for a service geared to the single soldiers. All kinds of miracles! They said they really liked sacrament meeting, and felt good.
We met with the O___ on Monday, and A___ and A___ used their CPR journals we gave them, and A___ sure searched the scriptures!
Other miracles - after the post service, I saw W___ , a recent convert from ___! Also, in the office, they found 60000 won that I wasn't paid in ___ ...which is great. And then, in addition to the blessing last week, Sister Pihl had a dream that also really helped me to know that Heavenly Father really does know where I am and has faith in my future. We met a sister again on the train that we had met months ago, and this time we could get her connected up with the sisters in ___; we had no way to get dinner on Sunday night, but E___ and R___ gave us some ramen to take with us without us even asking. I got to go back to Korea for a day with Sister B___ , and see just how much is different. We met some great people on the street as well~
Overall, things are going well! It's always beautiful to see the hand of the Lord in the details.
Sister Thomas
E___ (who only speaks French) and R___ (who we asked the U___to visit in the hospital, and he works with a member in the ward) came to the service at J___, and we met with them that night, and they were so impressed by the warm welcome from the members, and felt the Spirit in the simpleness of the service, as well as when they got our text inviting them to church - R___ said he felt that "it was time" - they still don't know a lot, but are so willing to learn and in tune with the Spirit~
J___ and J___ and their four children came to the service on post this week, as well as the chili dinner after, and got to meet a lot of members -- there were a surprising number of families there yesterday, which was quite a blessing for a service geared to the single soldiers. All kinds of miracles! They said they really liked sacrament meeting, and felt good.
We met with the O___ on Monday, and A___ and A___ used their CPR journals we gave them, and A___ sure searched the scriptures!
Other miracles - after the post service, I saw W___ , a recent convert from ___! Also, in the office, they found 60000 won that I wasn't paid in ___ ...which is great. And then, in addition to the blessing last week, Sister Pihl had a dream that also really helped me to know that Heavenly Father really does know where I am and has faith in my future. We met a sister again on the train that we had met months ago, and this time we could get her connected up with the sisters in ___; we had no way to get dinner on Sunday night, but E___ and R___ gave us some ramen to take with us without us even asking. I got to go back to Korea for a day with Sister B___ , and see just how much is different. We met some great people on the street as well~
Overall, things are going well! It's always beautiful to see the hand of the Lord in the details.
Sister Thomas
So this week was really strange, though, too - schedule-wise, anyway. In an awesome way :)
Monday wasn't P-day, but because of that we got to meet up with the O___ , which is always hard to do - they're so busy! We went with the
Elders to give A___ a blessing - poor girl has walking pnuemonia. But
even though she "hacked all through the night" she still read the
scriptures we gave her. She's the best, I wish you all could meet her!
Tuesday, we went down to Seoul to get my passport to take care of
the ID I lost - though while we were there, we stopped by one of my
former investigators from S___ - shes doing good, but the sisters
haven't called her, so hopefully they can all get connected up again :)
She's really great!
Wednesday, we went with M___, an 18 year old sister, to help
teach a little English at the orphanage. She LOVES volunteering, and
it's a great way to get her involved and such! Super fun!
Thursday I went on an exchange back to real Korea (our area is America/Africa/Philippines/ Korea) - Guess what! I haven't lost all my Korean! Hooray! :P We met some great people on the street, though!
Friday was P-day.
We left our mission boundaries. We went to North Korea this week!
Yep, the long-awaited DMZ trip. We went in a tunnel that North Korea dug, saw "propaganda city"
from a distance -- buildings without floors, houses with painted on
windows, all so you could see how prosperous North Koroea was from our
vantage point. We also got to go the the Joint Security area - the small
area that is heavily guarded and occupied by both countries, where they
meet to discuss issues and such - and when you walk in that building
where they discuss, you can cross over the officiall line, and go about ten feet into North Korea. It's a very tense area~ But so interesting to
see and learn about it all.
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