I've been asked to keep it "short and sweet" this week because our
zone is switching our P-day this week - we're going to the DMZ!
Mom, to answer your question, yep! I'm in the same area, strangely
fantastic bubble of America in the middle of Korea, serving with Sister
T___ for one more transfer~
I'm very grateful for the priesthood power and blessings. We had a
chance a couple of hours ago to give A___, an 11-year-old investigator
with pneumonia, poor thing, a blessing with the Elders (fun fact: Elder W___ just got transferred to our area; we served together for only
one transfer when we all got to Korea~), and she said after, "I just feel
really cool, really good. It's really cool to have someone pray over
you." And I also got a blessing from Elder Pihl on Saturday, and it was
quite a testament of blessings, that the words are really not the words
of the person giving the blessing - there were elements of blessings
that dad has given me, of my patriarchal blessing, and a blessing I've
received in the MTC ~ Heavenly Father truly does know us quite deeply~
Anyway, love you all lots! Have a great week :)
Sister Thomas
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