September 16, 2013
Sorry I'm emailing later today. You're sleeping now. We had another
adventure for p-day today at the army base - it was like being in
America again! With grass and trash cans and parking lots and houses and
newspapers I could read and couches and Jamba Juice and Subway and mini
golf and English! There aren't too many of those things in Korea. Though
there are more Subways now - one of the ward mission leaders in our
stake is starting up Subway here. He's part of the reason we could go to
the base. Anyway, that was the adventure of the day - a little America
Before I forget to answer questions, because I always seem to forget to answer questions:
So you know how I was
saying something needs to change? It's not just me thinking that - for
추석, (Chuseok, they say it's like Korean thanksgiving, but I think
mostly because they get together with family. EVERYONE gets together
with family. So much so that we pretty much have a week "off", as much
as you get as missionaries, because there are no people to be talked to
or visited. It's 3 days long, plus the weekend, so we're having a
mission conference, zone activity, cleaning day, planning a foreigner 추석
party, and moving our p-day to Saturday. (I'm not sure what that means
for email. I guess we'll see if it's Monday or Saturday) That's about
the work we can do.) we're doing a mission-wide fast. There's something
blocking the way we're doing missionary work, so President Christensen
is asking us all to fast together before the conference. I'm super
excited for this!!!!!!!!!! ^^ We're on the edge of something big. Just a
little about the situation right now - There are lots of people like us
in Korea. They're generally called a "전도사" (jundosa), who run around
trying to get people to come to their church, and are kind of vicious
about it. I can't remember if I told you about a lady we met, had and
appointment with, and she took us to her 전도사 friend, who was kind of
mean and forecful and Bible bash-y and wouldn't let me say anything and
just laughed at us and our Korean. Sad day. Probably one of the least
friendly people I've met here. But anyway, a lot of people see our
nametags and see us as those sort of 전도사s, where as we're just
inviting...anyway, I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this.
There's a lot of confusion about religion here, like I've mentioned. And
because of that, I think there are a lot of people who hear "religion"
and just turn the sound down, without taking a second to consider or
hear.. I promise this is the best thing that has ever happened to me,
that has given me the most fulfillment. Otherwise, I'd be totally lost.
I'd have thrown myself into school and friendships, and it'd be great
and I'd be happy, but there would be something missing. I would try to
ignore it, because I wouldn't know how to fix that hole that I tried to
say wasn't there. But I'd never feel complete, and without that, I don't
think I'd have the assurance or courage to ever be quite as happy or
quite as secure as I can be. It's such an assurance that there is not
only something bigger than me, but that I know what that something is.
And that it make so much sense. That that something is a Heavenly Father
who loves me and wants me to be happy, and will support me in all that I
do. That when I have an awful day, I can pray and feel whole and
comforted again. That when I have no idea what to do, I can recieve
guidance, and an assurance that everything will be alright in the end,
whether the end is tonight or in eternity. It's so much more than "Jesus
loves you. Come to church." Both are true and essential, but this is
truth! And I love it. It's that "something" more :)
So yes. We're fasting this week. And something big will happen.
Like I said, either the next day, or a a beginning of a step-by-step
process that will result in Korea knowing God's truth and finding that
something. Both in that general sense, and also for each individual
person, to find that "something" that has changed me into something so
much better and happier and more confident than I would be otherwise. I
know it will happen :)
So! I'll keep you posted :)
A couple other awesome things: We had ward conference this week,
and usually we have about 70 people at church. But this week we had 160!
Miracles like doubling the size of our ward :) A lot of less active {members}came, and families of part-member families, and some people who just live
around the church. There is a member in our ward who has such an
admirable desire to share the gospel, who passed out invitations to
everyone she saw and brought at least 20 people herself. Just invite,
invite, invite! She's amazing. And I talked to lots of people! I'm
actually pretty happy with how well I can speak and understand Korean.
LIke I'm nowhere near fluent, but I usually know what's going on and
have something to say. It's a real blessing to be able to pick up things
from context. And in a lesson this week, I was able to say just about
everything I wanted to. Which is another miracle. I've been in this
country for a month, studying Korean, a totally foreign language, and for the most part, can have and follow conversations, about people and the gospel. It's awesome :)
Anyway, that's quite a shpeel (it's so much more fun to spell it
that way :)) and not much information about what I'm doing. 그녕,
teaching, learning, talking, seeing miracles, building testimony, etc.
There are hard things, and there are awesome things. I've just got to
keep see the good! :D
Have a lovely week!
Sister Thomas ^^
Oh yeah. Transfers! We have a weirdy 9 week transfer this time, so no transfers this week! Not until the 3rd :)