Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014 - The air is getting in my eyes!

But really, thing have gotten in my eyes just from the air; there has been a lot of pollution this week. You know how in the Salt Lake Valley, it's a really bad day when you can't see the mountains across the valley? It a really bad day in Seoul when you can't see the mountain about a mile down the street :)

It was a week of ups and downs and ups!  You know how the purpose of life is to learn through experience, and as we experience more sadness, you can recognize more happiness? That principle is alive and well on a mission - when your investigator can't meet anymore because her husband won't let her, it can throw you on the ground. Hard. Even if you think you're going to be strong and withstand, you're still thrown down. And it's only through the assurance that everything will be made right through the Atonement of Christ, whether in this life or the next, that you can keep going a bit - And in opposition to the hard things, even the smallest good things are so magnified, like talking to the two nicest, happiest students from Australia, who were happy and willing to talk to you, and hear your message and the feelings and love of the gospel, and accept the testimony that this gospel is true, and that if they want to know for themselves, they can, straight from God. And even if they don't want to learn more, both parties are still happy, and have learned a little bit more about each other! And someone who thinks she came to the church to learn English, but wants to learn about God and rely on Him, and recognizes the happiness in the missionaries, and says over and over again that she is envious and wants to know that. And sister who has been baptized but still has a lot to learn comes with you to see the temple and is so happy to see you and to learn together about family history and the sacred nature of the temple and how God shows his love to all of His children through the Plan of Salvation; and then you help with a fireside for the English branch for the youth, and answer their questions, and help strengthen them, and especially one who has a hard situation at home, and is trying to be strong, but is also struggling to know that God loves her, and you can help her to not only know that fundamental truth, but to feel it as you testify that God knows her personally.  These are the happiest moments :)

P.S. DongDaeMoon!

So we're going shopping next p-day! And at a fairly cheap place - ties for 3-5 dollar! and if you buy 2 ties, its only 6-10 dollar! and if you buy 3, you actually may be able to get a bargain here! :D
and crazy pants like those I sent to lauren for Chirstmas. 
And I can try to find other exciting Korean things.

Picture: a demonstration of our success from last week :)

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